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The Magic Little Grants 2023 programme is live! Together with Postcode Community Trust, a grant giving charity funded by players of People's Postcode Lottery, Localgiving is delighted to offer charitable organisations the opportunity to apply for grants of £500. Successful projects will support and inspire people to participate in sports or exercise with the primary aim of improving the physical health of participants.
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Foodbanks are working tirelessly across the UK to support vulnerable people during the coronavirus crisis. Many people are struggling to feed their families and foodbanks are seeing a significant decline in donated items as supermarket shelves remain bare of many of the essentials. Help ensure that people in your community have the support they need to get through this emergency.
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We work to build the capacity of lesbian and bisexual women and their families. As one of the most invisible groups in NI society lesbian and bisexual women are often left out of the equation. We work
Our mission is to provide accommodation, support and advice to the single homeless of Cornwall. Often falling outside the responsibility of statutory authorities, the single homeless often are sleepin
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Baby Bank Network Bristol
The Baby Bank Network redistributes baby items like clothes, slings and cots that have been used and loved by parents, but are no longer needed, to parents who cannot afford to buy these items new or
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COVID-19 response spotlight - Square Food Foundation
20 May 2023
#Square Meals
Square Food Foundation is a cookery school and community kitchen in Bristol that supports adults and children across the city to access, cook, and eat good food. In their eyes, cooking is a vehicle for personal development which helps build resilience - it addresses challenges people .
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26 Mar 2023
During these testing times, we have seen a significant increase in the number of crowdfunding appeals being set up by charities using our platform. We’ve also seen an incredible response from the general public - with an increase of over 300% in the donations we are processing through the ...
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Top 10 Fundraising Ideas During Coronavirus
26 Mar 2023
Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, we understand that traditional fundraising techniques might be more difficult to carry out. We encourage our members to be safe and stay well by adhering to all of the safety precautions and advice set out by the government. You should keep up to date with official .
We depend on a steady stream of smaller donations via Localgiving. These donations alone give us the assured income to meet our operational costs. Matched funding, sponsored by both Localgiving and the Community Foundation have further bolstered our funds to allow us to undertake capital improvements to the Shed.